Cool and clear

Of Mind…..
I have been working with the same colleague for twelve years. Notice I didn’t say friend. Our relationship has taken many twists and turns over the years with some highs and one very deep, long lasting low. However through it all we both knew that we had a job to do and carry on we did. The adage, “Its not personal. It’s business”, always plays through my idiom as I also have the added responsibility of professional seniority. Not to repeat the downward spiral of years gone by, I felt as if my colleague wasn’t happy with me last week. Now this lady wallows in the pool of negativity most days and I have learnt over the years that this is her character and not necessary for me to change,  it is what it is. However this antagonism appeared more directed to me than a general situation. I left her without any ill feeling or comment and lamented all week over how I would approach her when I met her again. At work last night, I decided to not open a can of worms, as I have learnt that she stores much of her unhappiness in this anti-pandora box, and rather than revisit the negative,  begin a positive. I ignored the feeling residing within and began a new dialogue.  I went out of my way to help her and to not seek praise, as I have learnt she rarely gives it. We conversed over a common topic, menopause,  which she being ten years older, was happy to share advise about. I remained cool and calm as I felt the tension that she had last week begin to disappear.  Why clear a slate with a dirty rag when you can pick up a new one and begin afresh?

Of Body….
I am loving the cool and crystal clear taste of tap water lately. I truly appreciate this necessity of life more and more now that I have stayed away from sugary drinks this year. I was never a big drinker of any fluid as I tended to err on the dehydrated side than water-logged, but now I drink about two litres of fresh tap water a day and feel so much better for it. My skin feels smoother as well as all the health benefits within my body. I know that I will one day be tempted by the sizzle of a pop drink as socially speaking, “I’ll just have water”, is a bit of a party fizzer. But I hope to continue to enjoy this elixir of life for many years to come.


Its all cool and clear.

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